$ A new feature in the search engine giant "Google" -->

A new feature in the search engine giant "Google"

    A new feature in the search engine giant "Google"

    The company of google rest on freeing a new advantage in the mover of research gives to the users the opportunity to materialize the speeling of the habitual word and all that with help of the learning technic robot.
    The new advantage work across showing on evidence to help the users on pronouncing the word that they want to know the manner of pronunciation in the mover of research, after writing the word that they want, the word will demonstrate at the high .and choose dialect, and also writing the vocal of word and ask the user for speel it.
    And if the program of the synthesis intelligent observation mistake in spelling, he will rationalize the user to the place of the mistake and true way of corrugating, and the user can try again and again until success in the spelling of the word.
    Google shows that if you were practicing on speel the word asterisk, so the technic of knowing the speech, analyze how can you pronounce the word, and after that, she discovers that the last vocal passage pronounces "rict" instead of "uhst" .
    And she follows the gigantic of the number research, for what the site of "portal technic news",

    on the basis of you will receive a comment about the manner of improving pronunciation next time.
    Despite freeing this advantage, google perceive that it is still empiricism and we can found it just on the cell-phone tentatively.
    The new observation work too just on English American word, although the company promises to support the words that protonate of Spanish language sone.
    The American company work on too on improving the translations and definitions of the words with use visual symbolic, if the user tries to translate the word of "Naranja" in Spanish to English, for example: will see also some pictures of orange with the translated word.
    And if he searched about the word "seal" he will see some pictures of seel.
    Google says, the translations of photos, will work tentatively, just of the English language, but also she plans to expansionist the kinds of words in the future.
    All these advantages seem like a beneficial addition for several skills, that google presents for her users and she transfers a mover of research to a trainer in order to help the users to find what they want easily. And for learning robots, (the main new advantage)it may improve these advantages in the future.

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